Thursday, October 19, 2006

Chapter 2: The Prodigal Son

In the flickering light of the storm, Captain William Salt gazed in disbelief at his long-lost brother, a fugitive pirate, crouching and bleeding before him in chains. He went to him, slowly at first, then quickly embracing him as tears ran down his cheeks. Joseph motioned for silence, fearfully glancing at the open window. There were steps outside and voices of gruff men shouting, “He came this way!”

William understood, so he got up and closed the window’s wooden shutters. He locked the door, too. He lit a candle, poured two drinks and set some bread and cheese at the table. Then, he helped Joseph into a chair and gave him some of the food. The older man winced as he was moved. There was blood flowing from a hole in his shirt, high up on his left shoulder.

Trying to examine the wound, William’s hand was brushed aside by his brother’s.

“Don’t bother, I don’t have long for this world…”

“Joseph, no, let me try and help you!”

But it was no use, the pirate had been bleeding for a long time, and there was not much life left in him. He was having difficulty talking, and motioned for William to lay him down. William did so.

“I’m sorry, Will…” he said, struggling for breath between his words. “They attacked my ship off of Brazil…there was no choice.”

Joseph beckoned for some water, then continued, “Join or die…I became one of them…I’m sorry…”

The moment was difficult for William. He wanted to ask his brother so many things. He wanted to get him help for his wound. But that was impossible, he knew. The town would only hang Joseph for his piracy. It seemed important, then, that he just be with him, listening and comforting him as he was able.

“I did horrible things, Will, horrible…all the gold, so much gold…I’m rich, Will…and it is worth nothing now….” He paused and his mind seemed to wander off. His breathing grew slower. Then he turned his head and looked deep into William’s eyes.

“Take my share, Will…” he gasped, “…redeem me with it, please…”. Even in the dim candlelight William could see that color was draining from Joseph’s face, but he bore a desperate look, as if there was one last thing he was trying to say, but could not. As William drew closer, Joseph opened his mouth and barely whispered “…my.. ...belt..”.

His brother lay still as the cryptic words fell bluntly on William’s ears. Outside, he could hear the rain falling heavily. He heard the sounds of feet splashing through puddles. There were knocks on doors, now, as the militia searched the houses door-to-door for the convict. They would be here any minute…


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